Tribble Financial Planning was founded under the premise that you shouldn’t have to be wealthy or buy financial products from salesmen to receive sound financial advice. There are many “financial advisors” whose interests are in making as much money as possible for themselves rather than giving the best advice to their clients. Everyone should be able to receive advice that is free from conflicts of interest, free from pressure to make certain investments or purchases of financial products, and free from exorbitant fees. Once you have accumulated wealth, how much you pay for advice should not be a percentage of how much you have saved.  Unlike most financial advisors, Tribble Financial Planning operates without commissions and never receives percentage or incentive payments from banks or brokerage firms, allowing us to avoid conflicts of interest and allowing all our clients to be provided with unbiased financial guidance.

Tribble Financial Planning has expertise in advising physicians who are employed by the University of Michigan because our owner, Phil Tribble, has a deep understanding of the needs of those clients. He is married to a faculty member in the Department of Pediatrics at C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital, so he has walked in the financial shoes of UM doctors and wants to help them get the advice that they deserve. He also has extensive knowledge of the University of Michigan’s 403(b), 401(a) and 457 retirement plans and employee benefits for physicians. As a parent of four children, he is eager to help parents navigate difficult decisions around college savings, life insurance and teaching kids about money.